We drive equitable participation of women as founders and investors in venture capital — powered by network, experience and wholeheartedness.

our principles

Gründerinnen diskutieren unter sich.

We foster wholesome personal growth.

We challenge you to grow in all aspects of your life, passing that power on to everyone around you. We believe that healthy leaders create healthy organizations.

Menschen diskutieren am Tisch.

The Foundation of the Auxxo community is our abundance mindset.

We connect you with people who share experience, networks, ups and downs – an environment where you’ll feel safe, nourished and free to build your own company.

Eine Gruppe von Menschen steht vor einer alten Villa und führt Gespräche.

We drive a feminist changemaker movement.

We come together and invite you to join the social purpose of creating a reality where values of caring, authenticity, vulnerability and trust govern how we treat people and build companies.

Our Team